We, the Las Vegas Wargamers, (LVW), are a group of like minded individuals, joined together to pursue wargaming in the Las Vegas Metro area.

The goals of the LVW are:

  • To play and promote wargaming, historical and non-historical, in Las Vegas

  • To support local game stores whenever possible

  • To support current and available rule sets for easier entry to the hobby, for beginners and people switching genres or historical periods

  • To provide a local gaming community for gamers in Las Vegas


The following is a list of our Club Officers & Games, which is followed by our Club History.


Club Officers:
President: Tom Adams
President Emeritus: Joe Sudek
Vice President Garage Gaming: Dan Tuziak
Vice President Public Gaming: Jason Coffey
Vice President Youth Gaming: Nolan St. John
Secretary: Terrance Nolan
Webmaster: Aaron Christensen
Political Officer: Alexander Nishikawa
Ambassador at Large: Ted Pawlowski

Club Staff:
Event Coordinator: Jason Coffey
Ancients Coordinator: Kurt Bowker
Colonials Coordinator: Jason Coffey
Science Fiction Coordinator: Steve Massey
Fantasy Coordinator: Tom Adams
Boardgame Coordinator: Bob Woodson
GUTSHOT Coordinator: Tom Adams
Napoleonics / ACW Coordinator: Bob Hoy
Early America Coordinator: Joe Knight
Musket & Pike Coordinator: Steve Massey
Modern Skirmish Coordinator: Chris Moody
X-Wing / Star Wars Coordinator: Niall St. John
Games Workshop Coordinator: Niall St. John
Team Yankee / Flames of War Coordinator: Niall St. John
Pulp WW2 / Cthulhu Coordinator: Jason Coffey
OGRE / Battletech Coordinator: Jason Coffey (Agent #208)



The LVW traces its roots back to about 1999.  Then we were know as the Colonials Club at Triple J Hobbies.  We were basically a group of gamers that frequented Triple J Hobbies, with a focus on regularly wargaming in the Victorian Colonial period.  The club was formed to organize gaming at the store and to pool resources, in order to purchase some items that we too expensive for an individual i.e. the Legation sets from Old Glory.  We were also heavily into making terrain for the club and other store customers to use when gaming at the store. Most of us played a variety of games beyond Colonials at the store, including OGRE Miniatures, Spearhead, Johnny Reb, Stargrunt, Babylon 5 Wars, Battleground World War 2, Formula D, Demonworld, Space Hulk, Charlie Company, Shako, AK-47 Republic “Bongolesia”, GUTSHOT!, and of course “Classic” Battletech.

The Colonial club continued on until the closing of Triple J Hobbies in 2004.  When that happened there was a mad dash to gather contact information from all the regulars who were part of the club, but also those who regularly visited the game store.  We had depended on the store to be able to keep in contact with each other as it was a convenient gathering place. The loss of the store was quite chaotic for us.  This is where the decision not to rely completely on one store was made.

However, the re-gathering of the group was successful.  This was due in large part to the efforts of the “LVHistoricals” yahoo group created by Don Kalinich. The yahoo group proved to be a significant help as it allowed everyone to stay in touch.  Also in no small part, thanks goes to Dan Tuziak, for taking up the torch, of providing us with a venue to gather at. In turn, Don K. and Greg Dryanski also provided the same so we could rotate around town for everyone’s convenience. To this day Dan T. still provides bi-weekly historical gaming at his abode. Tom Adams and Jason Coffey also began to work with the local store owners at that time and establish public venues for us to gather and play at across town. This is when our club became know as the Las Vegas Historicals Club.  This is what are group was known as until 2007.

At the end of 2006, our “club” had come to an impasse with how it wanted to operate. After years of talking, the “club” finally put up a website to take ownership of the burden of its own advertising, picture archive and the like.  However, the question came up, what to call the club, website, and domain name?  We certainly still played historical wargames, but we were in no way a purely historical club. As we had collected nearly all of the former Triple J Hobbies clientele as members, we had also collected their diverse interest in gaming.  Many of the members of our group fully enjoyed playing other genres of miniature gaming including, science fiction, fantasy, pseudo-historicals, and others. Not to mention some forays into card games, role playing games, and even back into board games.

We felt, after much discussion, that a new name for the club/group was needed to reflect what we really are, a wargaming club.  So, with the launch of this website a new name was chosen, the Las Vegas Wargamers.

Las Vegas Wargamers, to get together with friends and game together. “You name it, we game it!”

Tom Adams


Las Vegas Wargamers